Luigi Marino is a Bristol-based musician whose work explores emergent phenomena involving people, objects, and whatever lies in between their shifting definitions. An active improviser, he performs on electronic media and percussion, focusing on the zarb, the computer as an instrument mediating human decision-making, and custom cymbals played with bows and extended through DIY portable circuits.
He holds an MFA in electronic music from Mills College where he worked as teaching assistant for John Bischoff and Chris Brown, and a joint PhD in composition from University of Birmingham and De Montfort University, funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. His teachers include Roscoe Mitchell, John Bischoff, Chris Brown, James Fei, William Winant. He studied zarb with Mohssen Kasirossafar.
As a performer or composer, his music has been presented at festivals and venues including the Rainforest World Music Festival (Kuching, Malaysia), San Francisco Tape Music Festival, Cafe Oto (London), Exploratorium (Berlin), The Cube (Bristol), Galleria Nazionale d'Arte Moderna (Rome), Intonal Festival (Malmö), Auditorium Parco Della Musica (Rome), IEM (Graz), Seoul International Computer Music Festival, BEAST FEaST (Birmingham), Acousmatic for the People (Malmö), Sacred Realism (Berlin), Vortex/Mopomoso (London), Sowieso (Berlin), Rhiz (Vienna), Km28 (Berlin), Interpenetration (Graz), Hundred Years Gallery (London), Offene Ohren (Munich), WIM (Zurich), ImprovvisaMente (Lodi), and ICMC (Athens).