Keeping the music completely open or introducing collectively composed elements, the dialogue between Michael Thieke and Luigi Marino stems from improvisation and the most hidden details of sound: subtle metal resonances, breath before it turns into a note inside a clarinet, electronic sounds generated by a 9v battery and projected by the vibrations of the instruments themselves. Sounds barely audible emerge from the background to take a predominant role, depicting abstract suspended landscapes, or turning into simple melodies and rhythms. Quietly, nothing is out of reach.
The duo Thieke/Marino started in Berlin in 2016, and they have since presented their music in Germany, UK, Italy, Netherlands,
Austria, Czech Republic, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal playing in cult venues such as Sacred Realism (Berlin)
and Rhiz (Vienna),
or established series like Interpenetration (Graz), WIM (Zurich), and Sonoscopia (Porto).
Their music was broadcast on Rai3 - Battiti (Italy), WGXC 90.7-FM: Radio for Open Ears (US),
Outgrow You Madness (France/Belgium), NTS Radio - The Trilogy Tapes (UK), The Wire - Adventures In Sound And Music (UK).
Their first release was published in 2022 on Emergent Idioms.
"The dynamics of this duo are patient, precise, focused on extended segments of statis, investigate methodically the timbres of the acoustic and the simple electronic sounds, and offer a weird and hallucinogenic, listening experience." (Eyal Hareuveni, The Free Jazz Collective)
"...the pair built on a strong aesthetic bond that was palpable at the Rome performance." (Peter Margasak, Nowhere Street)
"Overall, a great release." (Frans de Waard, Vital Weekly)
Das Nirgendwo hebt zu 'sprechen' an mit einem summenden, sirrenden Dauerton, den ich solange 'dröhnminimalistisch' nenne, bis mir jemand was Besseres vorschlägt. Nachdem in der Kulisse 'hinter' dem schimmernden Dröhnen Ruhe eingekehrt ist, stehen und schwingen die Klangfilamente ungestört im Raum, als stupsender Lufthauch, rossiges Schnauben, schattiges Tuten, Zischen und Fauchen, als metallisches Pfeifen, Sinusschwebklang, tremolierendes Klopfen. 'Dusk' variiert das b-seits in helldunkel-blauem Unisono, in sublim mundgeblasenen, zirpig bebenden, wieder stehenden, kurz pulsenden, statisch brummenden Parallelen. 'Breaking Song' vereint zuletzt die zart zwitschernde, tutende, bebende Klarinette mit elektroorgelig mysteriösem Sound und bricht so, wie einem die Stimme bricht. (Rigobert Dittmann, Bad Alchemy)